The Village - Pronto Caffe

The lunch options in the Cambie Village just got much tastier with the opening of Pronto Caffe, just across the street from the Park Theatre.  Pronto is a brand new, beautifuly designed diner that features the heavenly creation known as porchetta.  Porchetta is Italian roast pork, stuffed with herbs and roasted for about 4 hours on the premises. You'll notice the heavenly aroma the moment you walk in the door.  The result is the most flavourful roast pork ever.  There's even cracklins!

Porto offers porchetta sandwiches (available for take away) and dinners, served with fresh and seasonal sides like roasted potatoes. They also offer a range of other sides (like sauted kale) traditional dishes (panini, pasta, etc.) and even offers some vegetarian options.

The atmosphere is casual and friendly – an ideal neighbourhood destination and well worth journeying across town for. Located across the street from the Park Theatre, Pronto is the go-to place for a comforting meal before or after a movie, or your appointment at Paradigm.

Pronto Caffe
3473 Cabie Street
Vancouver, BC

Why We Provide Quotes, Not Estimates

As you start gathering prices for your kitchen or bathroom project, you'll come across both quotes and estimates for the work.  There's a big difference between the two:

Estimating is equivalent to guessing.  It's like saying "We don't know exactly what the project will cost, but here's our best guess.  Oh, and by the way, if we're wrong we'll be adding to your final bill."

Quoting is different.  Quoting is offering a specific price that will be charged for the work in question.  It's based on facts and experience, and if the bidder has made a mistake in the bid, then the customer isn't on the hook.

At Paradigm Kitchen Design, we quote whenever possible.  The kitchen we design for you will have specific cabinets, handles, countertop and installation requirements where we can be almost 100% certain of the cost.  Even with renovation elements like plumbing, lighting and painting, we can bid with relative certainty.  All items we have included will be listed on your quote. Items we haven't specifically chosen (e.g. handles, countertop material, etc.) will be listed with the allowance we have included.  The final price may or may not change depending on what you select and how it compares to the allowance.

There are some instances where estimating is required.  Areas where the work to be done is not visually apparent (e.g. behind walls yet to be removed) will be estimated to the best of our knowledge.  These items will be identified on your Project Specifications and our quote (or allowance) will be noted. Once we can get in and actually see what needs to be done we'll be able to bid on the work.

In order to properly compare competing prices, it's important for you to know what you're comparing.  When doing so, remember that it takes an expert to stand behind their price.

Source:  James Dibben (Blue Collar Coaching)